Monday, November 5, 2012

I wouldn't change a thing...

Whenever I talk about the kids with Marci, I’ve been noticing that I’ve been saying, “I wouldn’t have them any other way” quite a bit.  All three of them have their strengths and weaknesses in terms of personality, habits, etc.

Take Emma Kate for example.  

She’s the only person in the world that just throws herself on me a few times a day and gives me the biggest hugs one could ever hope for.  She desperately wants to spend time with me, and she’s become a “little mama” to Everett ever since he made his arrival last year.  She’s really sweet; however, she tends to be over-dramatic and is definitely on her own time schedule.  I don’t know how many times I've threatened to leave her somewhere.  Poor Aedan and Everett probably will think her name is “Hurry!” because I’m always telling her to do so.  With that said though, I wouldn't change a thing about her.

Then there's Aedan:

This is the most serious picture I have of him, and he's wearing underwear on his head.  He says something that cracks me up every day.  Love his messy hair.

While Aedan can be a sweetheart, he can get in a really terrible "don't want to" mood where nothing seems to work to make him happy.  For example, he may say he's thirsty.  Here's where the conversation can go awry:

Me:  "Ok brother, we have apple juice, milk, and water.  Which would you like?"
Aedan: "Don't want to!"
"Do you want milk?"
"Do you want apple juice?"
"Do you want water?"
"Are you thirsty?"
"What do you want to drink?"
"Don't want to!"

Rinse and repeat.

After he's satisfied with something, he can turn around and be a really gentle soul and the nut-head that he is.  Although he may go through the spells that a 3 year old is likely to go through, he's a sweet kid with a big heart.  And I wouldn't change a thing.

Ok, here's the kicker.  Mr. Everett.

Most recently, Everett has been yelling "Daddy!" and running as fast as he can and giving me hugs around my legs.  He has a bright smile, showing off all six teeth in the front of his mouth.  

While he has gotten much happier since starting to walk this past summer, I have dubbed Everett as "EJ McFussy Pants."  This little guy cried more in his first 6 months of life than Emma Kate and Aedan did their first years...combined.  And it wasn't just crying; it was blood-curdling screaming.  Nope, he wasn't hurt, hungry, or needed a diaper change.  Even still, then and now, I can't imagine my life without him.  He's turning out to be such a sweet kid.  I wouldn't change a thing about him.

So, what's the point of this?

Even with all of these imperfections, I'm still crazy about my kids.  When they mess up, fall down, get scared, etc., it gives me the opportunity to be with them one on one.  It gives me the opportunity to let them know I care, that I love them, and that they can count on me.  Raising kids is a lot of work, but I wouldn't change a thing about them.  I'm crazy about each one of them.

I believe that God views us in much the same way.  It's so easy to focus on ourselves, our own imperfections, and our shortcomings.  While I believe that God wants us to be better and to grow closer to Him each day, He loves us despite our imperfections, much like we love our children.  If we were perfect, there would have been no reason for us to God to send His Son (See John 3:16, Romans 5:8, Psalm 86:15).  We are made in His image...and He wouldn't change a thing.

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